How many imam gazali do we have
How many imam gazali do we have

how many imam gazali do we have

#How many imam gazali do we have skin#

Possibly the Rizwan editor would also say like the courtiers of King Mahmud Ghaznavi, “All these are accusations on the great Imam (r.a.) and he never approved such prayer.” Therefore, I present the sources of these strange rules of prayer as follows: First fundamental - Permission to pray in a dog skin

how many imam gazali do we have

Imam Yafai has also mentioned the year of this incident in his history that: “This incident took place in 410 A.H.” We used to say that it is an angel in a human form.” “Neither was there a greater jurist in his time nor would there be any after him. Ibn Jamata in Tabqaat Fuqaha and Imam Yafai in his history have written about him: This Qifal Maroozi is the great Imam, Abdullah bin Ahmad bin Abdullah Al-Maroozi, who was a mystic Shaykh of Khorasan. This incident is also quoted on the authority of Mughisul Khalq in Ikhtisarul Afham and also Wafiaytul Ayan Tarikh Ibn Khallikan. And if this prayer be presented before even an ignorant person, he would not be ready to accept it.” 1 Hence the King left the religion of Abu Hanifah and became a Shafei. The prayer performed by Qifal was found according to the religion of Abu Hanifah. The King ordered a Christian Persian teacher to read the acts of both religions. Then the books of Iraqis (Hanafis) were procured. (But) Hanafis denied that it was prescribed thus by Abu Hanifah. After reciting Tashahud, he released flatulence at the end of prayer without reciting salutations and said, “O King! This is the prayer of Abu Hanifah.” The king said, “If this prayer is not (proved to be) of Abu Hanifah I would kill you because no religious person can approve such a prayer.” There was no time gap between the two prostrations. After that, two prostrations were pecked (on the earth) like a cock without genuflection (Ruku). Then a Persian translation of a verse was recited i.e. Then he faced the Qibla and recited ‘Takbiratul Ihram’ (Allaho Akbar) in Persian without performing any intention. Since this was done in an open and hot region, flies started swarming and ablution was also performed in the reverse order. A tanned skin of dog was worn and one-fourth of its part was made even more impure.

how many imam gazali do we have

Then a two-unit prayer approved by Abu Hanifah was performed. This was such a prayer that Shafeis would not have approved anything lesser. Qifaal Maroozi stood up from Shafeis and after absolute purification and fulfilling the conditions of dress and everything, prayed with all acts, recommendations, etiquettes and obligations. Finally, it was decided that both the parties perform two units of prayers each according to their religion so that the King observes their prayer and decides which was a better faith. He gathered Shafei and Hanafi jurists in Merv to debate and prove which of the two religions was better. (Hence) he became inclined to the Shafei religion. Whenever he used to question about traditions, mostly he used to find them in accordance with Shafei religion. He was very fond of the science of traditions and all his companions used to listen to traditions from teachers and he himself also listened. “It is reported that King Mahmud Subuktagin was a follower of Hanafi religion. After writing the passage about Prayer quoted in Mankhool by Imam Ghazzali, he writes the following incident: If you really want to see the drama that how the brief prayer of the great Imam is as mentioned by Imam Ghazzali read the following incident: A renowned Sunni scholar, Allamah Abul Aali Abdul Malik bin Abdullah Al-Jawzi who is famous by the title of ‘Imam Al-Haramain’ (Imam of the two sanctuaries), has completely exposed the Great Imam in his famous journal, Mugheethul khalqa fi Ikhtiyaarul Haq. (Published in ‘Al-Jawwad’, March 1958 A.D.)

How many imam gazali do we have